Our Story

More than twenty years in the making, Ed’s Garden Shed is a labor of love for mother/daughter duo Yvonne and Karyn. Neither can recall when they turned their first trowel of soil nor when the love of dirt first got under their skin. As they’ve honed their skills and love for growing plants, sometimes on parallel paths, sometimes on divergent paths, a year never went by for either of them without some planting, tending, learning, delighting, harvesting and sharing.

Karyn Tori ed's garden shed cut flowers about us

Slow Beginnings

As far back as she can remember, Yvonne helped her dad in his garden, dropping seeds in the furrow he hoed, harvesting potatoes he’d loosened from the soil with his fork, dusting off bulbs and tubers he had tucked away over the winter. The times of solitude, the sweetness of the air even on sultry summer days, and the deep satisfaction of seeing the plants through to harvest formed a lasting desire with each new season to repeat the process. 

Early in Karyn’s life, she became part of Yvonne’s gardening process from the comfort of the red wagon, along with dolly and snacks to ward off disinterest. It wasn’t long before she was digging, watering, tending, weeding, hoping, and reaping the glory too! Who needs “Where’s Waldo” back in the day when you have elusive zucchini to find in the summer? High school and college years elevated her skills and knowledge of flowers, exotic plants, succulents, and trees as she managed a local greenhouse and studied horticulture and graphic design at Michigan State University. A later stint in Hawaii and then a corporate job in Detroit, she still managed to keep cuttings on window ledges and small plots overflowing to keep plants within reach. 

Today’s Harvest

In recent years, paths converged again for the two, with Karyn now grown, with her own little one tagging along to the field. Karyn’s sister (who also can’t keep her hands out of the dirt and cares for her own plant babies in California) gifted her a wonderful assortment of flower seeds. The duo was inspired to combine efforts and talents in specifically cultivating cut flowers to enjoy for themselves as well as to share in their local communities. 

Ed's Garden Shed Southeast Michigan Grandpa Ed

Our Name

As for our namesake, Ed? You’ve probably guessed it… Ed was Yvonne’s dad, who gardened all his life, from north Germany to rural Nebraska, until his later years when he sat by the garden and dusted off the potatoes that Karyn picked up as Yvonne dug. He is our inspiration, and we can’t wait to share the joy of gardening with him again someday.

The seasons, the loved ones, the joy in sharing comes full circle each year. We will keep growing and sharing the life-giving beauty that glorious flowers are… and we can’t wait to share them with you! Join our journey as we continue to learn and grow with our flowers by following us on Instagram for the latest from the flower field.

Ed's Garden Shed cut flower field Howell Michigan

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