Monthly Bouquet Subscription, 2024


Our monthly subscription includes 5 mixed bouquets of the freshest seasonal blooms, once per month from May - September. Enjoy a mixed bouquet of our finest, locally grown flowers each month all season long.

From Peony, Ranunculus and Anemone in the spring to late summer Dahlia, Amaranthus, Celosia, Cosmos, and more, we are certain you’ll find the constant change of blooms and interaction in each bouquet enchanting.

Subscriptions are the best way to guarantee fabulous, seasonal, local blooms all summer long, and additionally, help us plan and plant our flower field for the season. Exact start date is dependent on weather and seasonality. Subscription includes a mason jar.

Pickup is available on Thursdays at the Flower Farm in Hartland OR in North Canton (please select your preference at checkout). Delivery available in Plymouth-Canton for additional cost.

Gift Subscriptions:

Flower subscriptions are the very best gift idea we can think of! If purchasing as a gift, please include the recipient’s name, phone number, and email address in the notes section when checking out so we can contact them with fulfillment details in the spring.


On weeks when you will be out of town on Pickup Day, you are welcome to send a family or friend in your place to pickup that week’s bouquets. In the event you are not able to pick it up that week, please let us know your situation and we will do our best to work out an alternative pickup date/time. 

Pickup Location:
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